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- From: "Kevin O'Donovan" <abaddon@nasoftwr.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: Re: Re: Scope of an APP_DEFS file
- Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 11:00:05 +0100 (BST)
- In-Reply-To: <9407290748.AA09473@getafix.oasis.icl.co.uk> from "d.oakley.kid0111@oasis.icl.co.uk" at Jul 29, 94 08:48:13 am
- Precedence: bulk
- d.oakley.kid0111@oasis.icl.co.uk said:
- > Windows in Dialogs is in my list because programs like Interface
- > allow you to have modal dialogs in windows or just dialogs.
- There will always be a need for blocking dialogs, however that's a
- program design choice rather than a user one, I'd have thought.
- > advantage of not using dialogs is speed - when you are updating
- > 20 items and have to bring up a dialog for each one, the small
- > wait involved while the window draws can get annoying.
- >
- Then that's an example of bad program design. A simple to implement
- improvement would be to give that dialog an Apply button which applies the
- current changes and leaves the dialog up. It could also support new objects
- being dropped on it for editing, or supply controls for selecting new objects
- without leaving the dialog. Better yet, the dialog could be written so
- that all selected objects are put in a list of things to edit.
- Kev
- --
- Kevin O'Donovan
- abaddon@nasoftwr.demon.co.uk
- kebab@cix.compulink.co.uk
- Hi! I can't remember your name either